I had an excellent time at Hyperfest as usual! this year, they put H2 into Stinger in order to better balance the fields out. made for some interesting race footage! here’s the races from a PTE point of view:
i qualified poorly on Saturday’s race (wrong choice of tires). it was a short race, and i burned the car down trying to get back to the front. i managed to close on the first place PTE’er, but there was no time left, and i had burned the car out. finished 2nd (plus my camera failed!).
Sunday was an entirely different story – (i qualified 2nd, with the #67 white SE-R, Scott, qualifying first):
excellent racing. i wanted to get right up on Scott’s bumper as swiftly as i could (which i did, with the help of a good start!). a bunch of the fast H2′ers (i think there were 10 total in the race!!!!!!) came up behind me, and i didn’t want to lose touch with Scott, so i tried to have them come past in places where it would wouldn’t hurt me too badly…. it was a good race for me, and there was definitely no ‘resting’ time or ‘cruising’ time for the entire race (which was long, as all sunday races with NASA MA now are).
the top three of us PTE’ers ran best laps of within less than a tenth (1:27.7 + or – a titch), and the track was NOT fast (i think it was at least a second slow). T1 was a mess, and the carousel was not good). we were moving.